This looks more like a work of a cherry-picking propaganda than a serious analysis. Consider:
David says: "Trump cut immigrant visa issuances (for permanent residents) by 78 percent by December 2020."
What David doesn't tell you: December 2020 was, of course, in the middle of the covid pandemic, when virtually every nation in the world had greatly restricted any travel at all, much less immigration. It wasn't Trump immigration policy that caused the number to drop so dramatically. It was a pandemic policy that was adopted by virtually every nation in the world.
David says: "By February 2020, they had already fallen 27 percent from the 2016 monthly average."
What David doesn't tell you: From March 2017 thru January 2020 (just prior to the beginning of the pandemic), the Trump admin issued a monthly average of 42,221 immigrant visas. This compares to a monthly average in fiscal years 2013 - 2016, all Obama years, of 43,535. So the pre-pandemic "drop" from the Obama years to Trump years was a mere 1,300, or 3.02%.
David says: "President Trump entered office after Border Patrol made 43,251 southwest border arrests in December 2016. By the time he left office in December 2020, that number had risen to 71,142 arrests. "
What David doesn't tell you: Actually that number had both risen above and fallen below that number at various times throughout his time in office.
David says: "He will enter office a second time with arrests at 47,326 in December 2024.In summary, illegal immigration increased during Trump’s time in office, but it is now at a lower level than when he left office and is comparable to levels seen in 2016."
What David doesn't tell you: Fiscal years 2008 - 2016, ie the Obama years, saw an average of 35,250 border patrol encounters per month . From Feb 2017 until Dec 2020, ie the Trump years, they averaged 42,894 per month. For the Biden years, Feb 2021 thru Oct 2024 (no numbers for Nov and Dec), average monthly border encounters were 162,696. In summary, while there was in increase in attempted illegal immigration from Obama to Trump of about 21%, the increase from Trump to Biden was a staggering 274%.
David says: "Between 2016 and 2020, the Trump administration reduced the number of work-authorized visas issued by 51 percent. In contrast, seasonal visas (H-2A and H-2B for agricultural and nonagricultural seasonal or temporary jobs) increased by 25 percent, while all other visas fell by 72 percent."
What David doesn't tell you: The entire reduction occurred, yet again, in the pandemic year of 2020. Prior to the pandemic, the number of total temporary work visas rose in all three years of Trump's first term, as did the number of seasonal visas. The number of non-seasonal visas issued rose in all three years except 2017, when it dropped by a whopping total of...13 visas.
David says: "Trump oversaw a 76 percent reduction in student visa issuances from FY 2016 to FY 2020."
What David doesn't tell you: Yep, yet again and unsurprisingly, almost the entire drop came in the pandemic year of 2020.
David says: "Trump oversaw an 82 percent cut in temporary visa issuances by December 2020. Again, the Trump administration had already restricted temporary visas issued prior to the pandemic—with visa issuances down 33 percent by February 2020 compared to the FY 2016 average."
What David doesn't tell you: know the drill....pandemic 2020. For the pre-pandemic years, Trump averaged 762,556 temporary visas issued per month, while Obama averaged 841,043 per month. That is a drop of 9.3%. Judge for yourself whether a 9.3% change across 2 different and full presidential terms, or a 33% difference in a single month of 1 president versus a single year average of another, is more informative.
David says: "For decades, administrations have granted some individuals seeking entry into the United States (commonly known as “asylum seekers”) access to “humanitarian parole.”"
What David doesn't tell you: Parole is not a form of "legal" immigration. Indeed, only people who are inadmissable are even considered for parole, and if they get it they have neither been "admitted" into the US under immigration law nor do they retain any immigration status. Parole is also only supposed to be granted for "urgent humanitarian" or "significant public benefit" reasons, on an individual, case by case basis. But it was gamed by Biden who declared whole populations eligible for parole.
David says: "Trump has already endorsed ending all the Biden parole programs and CBP One app appointments, instituting a legal migration ban that affects an even broader group of nations than what he imposed last time
What David does not tell you: Again, parole is not a form of legal migration, and so ending it for certain populations is not actually a "ban" on legal migration.
David says: "Trump’s anti-legal immigration agenda will increase illegal immigration and harm American prosperity."
What David doesn't tell you: The reason many of his fellow citizens object to illegal immigration isn't simply because it happens to be illegal. The reason people object to it is because it subverts control over which and how many people and populations are allowed into the country, which is something they would like to control. And so declaring that controls on legal immigration will produce more illegal immigration is hardly a convincing argument to get rid of the controls. Speed limits on highways may "create" more illegal speeders, but if you are trying to control how fast people drive, getting rid of speed limits in order to decrease illegal speeding would be a pretty counterproductive approach.
More people should read Friedman, Caplan and Dalmia about migration
People with TDS playing with figures again.
Say what?
This looks more like a work of a cherry-picking propaganda than a serious analysis. Consider:
David says: "Trump cut immigrant visa issuances (for permanent residents) by 78 percent by December 2020."
What David doesn't tell you: December 2020 was, of course, in the middle of the covid pandemic, when virtually every nation in the world had greatly restricted any travel at all, much less immigration. It wasn't Trump immigration policy that caused the number to drop so dramatically. It was a pandemic policy that was adopted by virtually every nation in the world.
David says: "By February 2020, they had already fallen 27 percent from the 2016 monthly average."
What David doesn't tell you: From March 2017 thru January 2020 (just prior to the beginning of the pandemic), the Trump admin issued a monthly average of 42,221 immigrant visas. This compares to a monthly average in fiscal years 2013 - 2016, all Obama years, of 43,535. So the pre-pandemic "drop" from the Obama years to Trump years was a mere 1,300, or 3.02%.
David says: "President Trump entered office after Border Patrol made 43,251 southwest border arrests in December 2016. By the time he left office in December 2020, that number had risen to 71,142 arrests. "
What David doesn't tell you: Actually that number had both risen above and fallen below that number at various times throughout his time in office.
David says: "He will enter office a second time with arrests at 47,326 in December 2024.In summary, illegal immigration increased during Trump’s time in office, but it is now at a lower level than when he left office and is comparable to levels seen in 2016."
What David doesn't tell you: Fiscal years 2008 - 2016, ie the Obama years, saw an average of 35,250 border patrol encounters per month . From Feb 2017 until Dec 2020, ie the Trump years, they averaged 42,894 per month. For the Biden years, Feb 2021 thru Oct 2024 (no numbers for Nov and Dec), average monthly border encounters were 162,696. In summary, while there was in increase in attempted illegal immigration from Obama to Trump of about 21%, the increase from Trump to Biden was a staggering 274%.
David says: "Between 2016 and 2020, the Trump administration reduced the number of work-authorized visas issued by 51 percent. In contrast, seasonal visas (H-2A and H-2B for agricultural and nonagricultural seasonal or temporary jobs) increased by 25 percent, while all other visas fell by 72 percent."
What David doesn't tell you: The entire reduction occurred, yet again, in the pandemic year of 2020. Prior to the pandemic, the number of total temporary work visas rose in all three years of Trump's first term, as did the number of seasonal visas. The number of non-seasonal visas issued rose in all three years except 2017, when it dropped by a whopping total of...13 visas.
David says: "Trump oversaw a 76 percent reduction in student visa issuances from FY 2016 to FY 2020."
What David doesn't tell you: Yep, yet again and unsurprisingly, almost the entire drop came in the pandemic year of 2020.
David says: "Trump oversaw an 82 percent cut in temporary visa issuances by December 2020. Again, the Trump administration had already restricted temporary visas issued prior to the pandemic—with visa issuances down 33 percent by February 2020 compared to the FY 2016 average."
What David doesn't tell you: know the drill....pandemic 2020. For the pre-pandemic years, Trump averaged 762,556 temporary visas issued per month, while Obama averaged 841,043 per month. That is a drop of 9.3%. Judge for yourself whether a 9.3% change across 2 different and full presidential terms, or a 33% difference in a single month of 1 president versus a single year average of another, is more informative.
David says: "For decades, administrations have granted some individuals seeking entry into the United States (commonly known as “asylum seekers”) access to “humanitarian parole.”"
What David doesn't tell you: Parole is not a form of "legal" immigration. Indeed, only people who are inadmissable are even considered for parole, and if they get it they have neither been "admitted" into the US under immigration law nor do they retain any immigration status. Parole is also only supposed to be granted for "urgent humanitarian" or "significant public benefit" reasons, on an individual, case by case basis. But it was gamed by Biden who declared whole populations eligible for parole.
David says: "Trump has already endorsed ending all the Biden parole programs and CBP One app appointments, instituting a legal migration ban that affects an even broader group of nations than what he imposed last time
What David does not tell you: Again, parole is not a form of legal migration, and so ending it for certain populations is not actually a "ban" on legal migration.
David says: "Trump’s anti-legal immigration agenda will increase illegal immigration and harm American prosperity."
What David doesn't tell you: The reason many of his fellow citizens object to illegal immigration isn't simply because it happens to be illegal. The reason people object to it is because it subverts control over which and how many people and populations are allowed into the country, which is something they would like to control. And so declaring that controls on legal immigration will produce more illegal immigration is hardly a convincing argument to get rid of the controls. Speed limits on highways may "create" more illegal speeders, but if you are trying to control how fast people drive, getting rid of speed limits in order to decrease illegal speeding would be a pretty counterproductive approach.
Fucking Awesome!
Yeah we want both cut.
The horror of right-wing collectivism